The entrance will be located nearby, toward the end of the path. Hen you reach a forked path, keep left and jump down into the gap you encounter to find a lever at the bottom. Get the blue keycard and enter through the first blue door. You will know the lever has been activated and the entrance opened when you hear a guitar riff play after pulling it. Many of the classic map entrances and levers will require some backtracking and exploration to locate, so be prepared to move backward if necessary.

You can access the maps directly from here. Once you discover these maps, a “Classic Maps” option will unlock in the game’s main menu. Blue-key markers on these maps appear at all. Each mission has one lever and classic map doorway to find, each with some amount of challenge to obtain.Ī few tips for you on your quest to find everything: Note that on certain maps the blue keys location will depend on the players chosen Skill level, 1 through 5. One of Doom’s many nostalgic secrets are its classic maps, a collection of levels from Doom 1 and Doom 2 that can only be accessed by finding a series of levers and hidden doors throughout the campaign.